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Jessica is the real deal!!  I had her communicate with my six horses. She was so exact as to each personality and their needs. Knowing what your horse needs from you is an amazing help in achieving a wonderful partnership with your horse. I’ve used her information from my horses and we’ve been able to accomplish so many new things.  She also was able to bring me some peace after she communicated with my heart horse that recently passed. She knew things pertaining to him that nobody knew about. I was so comfortable with her communications that I referred several friends that have shared their experiences with me. They were also very pleased with their experiences. I would highly recommend her to anyone that wants a better understanding and relationship with their horse. 

I am very grateful and will definitely be using her again in the future. 


~ Brenda














"BEST money ever spent."

My name is Katie and I have used Jessica on several of my horses & ponies. Jessica truly has a gift. I was extremely skeptical at first to do this and at the very least just thought it would be interesting to see what she said. She was so spot on with each and every one of my animals that I was blown away. I could not believe the details that she was able to give me about my horses. I have found it very very helpful to figuring out some things the horses are trying to tell us that I might not have understood before.















Having Jessica communicate with my mini, Stella, was one of the best things I’ve done for our partnership. It gave me a better sense of what Stella likes and feels, and strengthened our connection because of that. My reading was very detailed and spot on! Stella showed Jessica experiences from years ago that I didn’t think she wouldn’t remember and that only a few people know of. It truly is amazing how our horses feel, remember, and see us as a partner. I highly recommend everyone have their horse read by Jessica. You won’t regret it!

~Heather W

"So heart warming I almost couldn't read through the tears. It was truly one of the best gifts I've ever received."


I recently bought my heart horse about a month ago from the barn where I had been taking lessons for over 4 years.  I reached out to Jessica for a reading, because I wanted to make sure he was happy and had some questions I wanted answered.  From start to finish, the details Jessica brought up were spot on and by the end of the reading, I was in tears! Jessica's reading truly brought me peace of mind, and I am so thankful she shares her gift.  This was my first reading with Jessica, and I will certainly be reaching out for more in the future.  I highly recommend Jessica for a reading; it will bring you that much more closer to your equine partner, you won't regret it!

















I recently had the opportunity to experience a reading that a friend had done with one of her horses.  It was so incredibly accurate as to the fillies history and life she has with my friend, I decided I wanted to try.  Slightly apprehensive about what I might discover from my own horse.  The return I received on my investment in giving it a try came back to me a thousand fold.  Not only was it amazingly accurate about the facts of his life.  But the sentiment she was able to translate to me from my beloved horse has been life changing.  So heart warming I almost couldn't read through the tears. It was truly one of the best gifts I've ever received.  I have been fortunate to now read several friends horses' accounts as well.  Both living and passed.  Incredibly eye opening and uplifting experience.  I could not recommend more highly. 

~Kate K 

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"Absolutely unbelievable!"


I recently lost my heart horse of 14 years unexpectedly in February. It crushed my world. After some time, I finally felt like I needed some closure. So I reached out to Jessica for a reading. I wanted to make sure he knew letting him go was the only decision we could make, and that he was ok. From start to finish, everything from their reading was spot on. Even to knowing his love for peppermints. Jessica’s reading helped bring me the closer and peace of mind I needed. It was my first reading with Jessica. I was blown away! I had her also do my new horse with the same incredible results! I highly recommend Jessica’s readings! My readings also inspired quite a few others at my barn to also use Jessica! They were all amazed as well! Hopefully it will bring you closer to your current horse or even bring you the closure you need after losing your partner! 




Jessica is AMAZING! 

She did a reading on my small pony Stanley.  All she knew about him was his name, age and breed. 

What she was able to tell me was more than I could have hoped for. 


...Best money I ever spent.









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